I'm New


Our church exists so you can experience God.

Whether you've never been to church, you haven't been for a while, or you're looking for something new, we want you to join us! Our doors are open to you, your family, your friends, and everyone you know.

We know that visiting a new church can feel awkward, so we want to make it easy for you. Our Pastor provides his texting number to everyone. If you're interested in visiting our church and have some questions, please text Pastor Shane Hicks.


He would love to hear from you!

When We Meet

Sunday Mornings

9:30 & 11 A.M.

Domingo Por La Manana - Español

9:30 A.M.

What To Expect

A typical service lasts about 70 minutes. We are a contemporary and casual church.  Our music is modern and our messages are biblical,  challenging, and entertaining. We celebrate communion weekly.

You will see different people wearing flip flops and dress shoes in the same room.  You will also see people of all ages, colors, and backgrounds.

We have childcare, kids, and youth services, but you are also more than welcome to sit together as a family in the Worship Center. If your little ones get a little noisy during service, you don't have to feel bad! Our lobby is set up for you to be able to soothe them while continuing to enjoy the message.

Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

Our Welcome Team is ready to host you and are prepared to help you discover everything you need to know about our church.

Plan A Visit

Click CONNECT, fill out the form,  and let us know when you plan on joining  us!